Meet the Team

Not only are we able to draw upon the outstanding practice of the staff at Rushall and Oakwood, we also have our specialist staff who deliver school based sessions and training opportunities across Walsall and beyond. Our diverse skills and specialisms mean that we are able to match the best person to your needs.

Executive Headteacher: Kate Bargh B.Ed. (Hons.) M.A. NPQH

Head of Service: Becky Hadley B.Sc. (Hons.), PGCE, SLE

Business Support: Samantha Harrison B.A. (Hons.),

Inclusion Consultants:

Liz Mills B.A. (Hons.), QTS
Caroline Rea BA (Hons), GTP, NASENCo                       Nicky Martin B.Ed. (Hons.) Primary, Pg. Cert. Specialist Teacher SpLD (Dyslexia), AMBDA
Marie Stokes B.Ed. (Hons.) MA(Education)

Claire Burrows Bsc (Hons), PGCE, PG Cert Specialist Teacher SpLD (Dyslexia), AMBDA, NASENCo  Debbie Turtle B.A (Hons.) PG Cert Specialist Teacher SpLD (Dyslexia), AMBDA, APC (PATOSS)